Articles Posted in Cybersecurity

The United States Department of Commerce has issued a declaration regarding global cross-border privacy rules. These privacy rules are designed to promote data flows with privacy protections. The participants (which include Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and United States of America) have declared that: (1) the establishment of a Global CBPR Forum to promote interoperability and help bridge different regulatory approaches to data protection and privacy; (2) The objectives of the Global CBPR Forum are to: (a) establish an international certification system based on the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules and Privacy Recognition for Processors Systems; (b) support the free flow of data and effective data protection and privacy through promotion of the Global CBPR and PRP Systems; (c) provide a forum for information exchange and cooperation on matters related to the Global CBPR and PRP Systems; (d) periodically review data protection and privacy standards of members to ensure Global CBPR and PRP program requirements align with best practices; and (e) promote interoperability with other data protection and privacy frameworks.

The Global CBPR Forum is expected to promote expansion and uptake of the Global CBPR and PRP Systems globally to facilitate data protection and free flow of data. It is expected to disseminate best practices for data protection and privacy and interoperability. In addition, it is expected to pursue interoperability with other data protection and privacy frameworks.

The Global CBPR Forum is supposed to facilitate trade and international data flows. It is created to promote global cooperation and to promote protection of data privacy. The forum plans to establish an international certification system based on the existing APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules and Privacy Recognition for Processors Systems. Cooperation is intended to be based on the principle of mutual benefit and a commitment to open dialogue and consensus-building, with equal respect for the views of all members. It is supposed to be based on consultation and exchange of views among representatives of members, drawing upon research, analysis and policy ideas contributed by members. It is also intended to be based on the active multi-stakeholder participation in appropriate activities.

Cyberstalking takes place when the culprit uses information and communication technologies to initiate the violations. These actions may include harassment, annoyance, attacks, or threats against the victims. The culprits can start the attacks by emails, instant messages, calling, texting, or other communication methods. There have been cases where the culprit has installed a GPS tracking device on the victim’s vehicle or personal belongings. Also, there have been cases where the victim’s computer was hacked with malware so the culprit monitored electronic devices.

We have been able to trace “stalkerware” which is a type of spyware on the victim’s electronic devices. The stalkerware was used to collect and transfer information regarding the victim’s activities. These types of spyware can be used to remotely turn on or off cameras and microphones on the victim’s electronic devices.

Cyberharassment takes place when information and communication technologies are used to intentionally humiliate, annoy, attack, threaten, or abuse the victim for no legitimate purpose. There have been cases where the victim was being targeted by a group of known or unknown individuals on the internet. These so-called “internet trolls” work together to engage in highly offensive and inflammatory comments against their victims. Their systematic actions are designed to provoke the victim to the point where they suffer from severe emotional distress. These actions can be initiated on any website but have become prevalent on Reddit.

In general, there are four categories of identity theft. First, “financial identity theft” takes place when the adverse party uses the victim’s identity to gain access to funds, goods, or services. The adverse party may use the victim’s information to open a bank account, get a debit or credit card, seek a mortgage loan, or purchase a car by obtaining a loan under the victim’s name. Second, “criminal identity theft” takes place when the adverse party acts as the victim to engage in criminal activity. Third, “identity cloning” takes place when the adverse party assumes the victim’s identity in his/her daily life. So, in other words, the adverse party will gain access to the victim’s driver’s license, birth certificate, passport, or other identifying information. Fourth, “business or commercial identity theft” takes place when the adverse party uses another commercial organization’s name to procure credit, money, goods, or services.

Identity theft usually takes place when the adverse party gains access to some type of personal information such as credit card information, social security card, or bank account number. This information can be obtained through clandestine methods such as bribing someone who works at the human resources department. This information can also be obtained by stealing mail such as preapproved credit card forms. The personal information can be obtained by gaining unauthorized access to the victim’s electronic devices – i.e., hacking. Finally, the personal information may be obtained through gaining unauthorized access to a state or federal government agency’s database.

The government prosecutes identity theft and fraud pursuant to state or federal laws. For example, Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act which prohibits “knowingly transferring or using, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law.” See 18 U.S.C. § 1028(a)(7). This offense carries a maximum term of 15 years’ imprisonment, a fine, and criminal forfeiture of any personal property used or intended to be used to commit the offense.

It’s important to implement practical corporate cybersecurity measures especially in today’s volatile climate. The number of reported cyber threats are increasing as we progress and it will most likely continue on the same trajectory. All businesses and commercial enterprises are a target especially if they have access or control over valuable information such as trade secrets and intellectual properties.

The common tools or methods of infiltrating the corporation’s cybersecurity infrastructure is by using some form of malicious software (i.e., malware) that’s designed to penetrate the network and cause havoc. Malware includes viruses and ransomware. The hackers can also use other methods to infiltrate the system such as “phishing” which is usually done by sending an email to encourage the recipient to click on the link. Now, once the recipient clicks on the link or opens the attachment, the malicious software is released into the network.

It’s important to have a dedicated team of information technology experts who can evaluate the network and improve the cybersecurity measures. They can use all sorts of tools and techniques (e.g., penetration testing) to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the network infrastructure. It is crucial to have a “cybersecurity planning tool” to assist the company with building a robust cybersecurity strategy. There are various governmental tools and resources that the company can use to achieve this goal.

Electronic data has been growing in size and proportion for several decades. The sheer amount of electronic files (e.g., emails, pictures, videos) has consumed local and remote databases. The cloud storage facilities have been put together to hold this information for us. Cloud storage facilities have certain obligations towards their customers which include secure storage of electronic files by using industry-approved protocols. The rules for proper storage should not change based on the particular industry. In fact, the cloud storage facilities are supposed to use similar protection measures for all electronic files – e.g., encryption – to ensure safety.

Encryption is a tool or resource that allows the files to be scrambled and hidden from plain sight. The encrypted data is called “ciphertext” which can only be decrypted with the right key. There are two types of encryption. First, is symmetric encryption. Second, is asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses one key for encryption and decryption. Asymmetric encryption uses two different keys for encryption and decryption – i.e., the private and public key. The public key can be shared with the general public but the private key remains a secret and is only accessible by the right individual. There are various encryption technologies such as AES, Triple DES, RSA, and Blowfish.

Electronic data retention includes collecting, storing, and managing information. Private and public organizations should have the right rules and regulations that help define how electronic information should be located, identified, and stored. There are government regulations, international standards, industry regulations and internal policies. Government regulations are set by state or federal governmental agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission and Internal Revenue Service. International standards are set by the International Organization for Standardization like ISO/IEC 27040, IS 9001, ISO 17068:2017. Industry regulations include the GDPR, PCI-DSS, and CCPA. Finally, internal policies include data version controls and employee record retention.

Data disposal is a key process in a legal entity’s policies and procedures for managing personal and confidential information. In general, private and public entities store data on their servers. This information may include financial and health information which should not fall into the wrong hands. So, there must be a proper procedure for destroying and disposing that information by using industry approved methods.

The Federal Trade Commission has implemented a data disposal rule in relation to consumer reports and records to prevent unauthorized access to or use of that information. In California, several statutes have been promulgated to address this issue. For example, California Civil Code Sections 1798.81, 1798.81.5, and 1798.84 are applicable. In fact, Civil Code 1798.81 states as follows: “A business shall take all reasonable steps to dispose, or arrange for the disposal, of customer records within its custody or control containing personal information when the records are no longer to be retained by the business by (a) shredding, (b) erasing, or (c) otherwise modifying the personal information in those records to make it unreadable or undecipherable through any means.” Therefore, there are standards to follow and implement to avoid unnecessary complications. The state legislature has encouraged the implementation of “reasonable security” for personal information under Civil Code 1798.81.5. Also, Civil Code 1798.84 outlines the legal remedies which include initiating a civil action.

The proper retention of emails is paramount especially if the electronic messages include private, confidential or proprietary information. For example, “email archiving” is one method to retain electronic messages especially if there is the possibility of litigation. The emails should be backed up in a searchable format for practical reasons. Electronic discovery allows the parties to request and obtain electronic documents during litigation. In most cases, the electronic discovery process is time consuming and complicated especially because there is a large volume of data involved in the lawsuit. Also, more importantly, the failure to comply with electronic discovery requests may result in sanctions.

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is defined as a system that imitates human intelligence to conduct similar tasks by improving itself based on the submitted or collected information. Artificial intelligence can be used in various industries such as manufacturing, automobiles, education, medicine, and financial services. Artificial intelligence can be used to detect and defend against cybersecurity intrusions, solve technical problems, lower production management tasks, and assess internal compliance for accepted vendors. Artificial intelligence technology is affordable and can produce faster results when compared to human interactions.

The terms artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning are not the same. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning. Neural networks create the backbone of deep learning algorithms and imitate the human brain by using specialized algorithms. It’s also important to realize that deep learning is different from machine learning. There are three main types of artificial intelligence: (1) Artificial Narrow Intelligence; (2) Artificial General Intelligence; and (3) Artificial Super Intelligence. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants (e.g., Alexa, Siri) are considered artificial narrow intelligence since they’re unable to incorporate human behaviors or interpret emotions, reactions, or tones.

What are the potential cybersecurity issues?

The term “metaverse” is a combination of “meta” and “universe.” This new concept allows users to interact with each other in virtual worlds and buy and sell names, goods/services, properties, and avatars. They can also organize, host, and attend events in virtual worlds.

The consumers will be using blockchain technologies and digital currencies. Blockchain is a database that includes network computers that share information across the internet. For example, Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to update its ledgers. So, several of these newer platforms are powered by blockchain technologies that use digital currencies and non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) which allow a new type of decentralized digital asset to be designed, owned, and monetized. The NFT is a virtual asset that promotes the metaverse. It’s an intangible digital product that links ownership to unique physical or digital items (e.g., artistic work, real estate, music videos). In other words, each NFT cannot be replaced with another one because it’s unique and irreplaceable. So, for example, if you own an NFT, it will be recorded on blockchain and you can use it for electronic transactions. In fact, with NFTs, artifacts can be tokenized to create ownership digital certificates for electronic transactions.

What are the potential legal issues?

The internet is a combination of computer networks and electronic devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops) that can communicate with each other on various platforms. The internet has allowed people to immerse themselves in a world where they can create profiles on social media websites and freely interact with each other. It is certainly an intriguing phenomenon and an interesting part of today’s technological advancements. However, at this stage, technology companies are working on a different project called the “metaverse” which would combine the internet with augmented and virtual realities where the users can interact with each other as avatars.

What is metaverse?

It is made up of the prefix “meta” which means above or beyond and the stem “verse” which is a back-formation from “universe.” It’s generally used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the internet, made up of persistent, shared, three-dimensional virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe.  It may not only refer to virtual worlds, but the internet as a whole, including the entire spectrum of augmented and virtual realities. It refers to an immersive digital environment where people interact as avatars. Its concept encompasses an extensive online world transcending individual tech platforms, where people exist in immersive and shared virtual spaces

There are a series of online scams that have been taking place in the recent years. The culprits are becoming more sophisticated as they’re coming up with new schemes. The law enforcement agencies have been trying to keep up with the new schemes. However, given their limited resources, it is a challenging task. Nonetheless, our law firm has been representing clients in state and federal courts who have been victims of online scams.

Online auction scams have become prevalent on the internet. For example, the scammer gets involved in the online auction and purchases the item by overpaying for it via an international money order. Then, the seller who is eager to sell the item to the buyer in good faith, sends the item along with the overpayment. So, at the end, the seller loses the item and the funds.

Online rental and real estate scams involve the same type of practice where the scammer poses as the interested renter or buyer and sends the funds towards the seller or landlord. Then, the scammer reneges on the deal and requests a refund. The seller or landlord returns the funds but later realizes the initial check was counterfeit.